Tuesday 23 August 2011

An Overpriced Flight

The IBON Foundation , a program providing information and analysis on various socio-economic issues for advocacy support, academic institutions, government agencies and individuals, stated that corruption scandals in the last seven years under the Arroyo administration have cost Filipinos at least P7.3 billion.
The question that stunned my mind is that, how did she manage to get away with all of these outrageous issues?  P 7.3 billion is an immense amount to take away from the people of the Philippines. It is utterly distressing and a very shameless act.
Last Month, another issue which entailed that the light operational helicopters were priced and sold as brand new to the Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2009 were previously owned by the family of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, claimed by Sen. Panfilo Lacson, that even if the Filipinos are accustomed to the former President’s dishonoring matters about corruption, it continuously distressed the Filipinos.


“The first couple was so powerful at that time that ramming the used helicopters down the throat of the police was easy and effortless," Sen. Lacson said in a statement. It made it hopeless for Filipinos to rise above when the other party wants us to go down.
PNP chief Director General Jesus Verzosa approved the supply contract to pay MAPTRA P104.985 million for the two 5 year old and maliciously branded as new helicopters. Guingona and Lacson, however, said MAPTRA "intentionally misrepresented" the helicopters they were selling as brand new and the PNP accepted the same as true. They explained that the flight logs indicate that the two R44 Raven I choppers sold to the PNP were already "pre-owned" as far back as March 2004.

As for me, it is a very disheartening issue to bring to mind, especially knowing they have taken that enormous amount and they are still at large, and could easily find their ways out of these issues, that even the Commission on Audit, which is responsible for the fundamentals and nitty gritty of the transaction were barely wordless over the issue. 


In addition, the investigation of the issue is still on progress and I find it very odd that the two main personalities involved with the said matter are currently sick and were advised not to go to court because of certain medical issues. It is very noticeable, that even ordinary citizens could distinguish that they are not severely ill. If they are really not involved with that shameful issue, they should show up to the court, submit themselves for proper investigation and state their side of the story rather than running away from it.
Moreover, the issue made a very dreadful effect to the Filipinos since they are hopeful for a change, and yet the damage has been so massive that it would really take time for the Philippines to rise from poverty again. It is just a heartbreaking realization that others are just so insensitive, that while they are spending and enjoying luxury, others are suffering from hunger and poverty.

In my conclusion, the Filipinos deserve a much better explanation for the shameful issue, thus, the first couple should offer themselves for investigation. I want to point out that the Filipinos need a better treatment than what the previous administration have done. And at the end of the day that is the hope of every Filipinos, in every single word they pray. The Filipino people are still yearning and still hoping that the best is yet to come.

Source:  http://ph.news.yahoo.com/lacson-helicopters-sold-pnp-2009-owned-arroyos-074405022.html